How to train little children to have Quiet Times
I am deeply grateful to Kathy for training each of our children to love God from a very young age. She did this by reading Bible stories to them and training her to hear from God from those stories.
Below is what Kathy did:
During the time when they were from 1-4 years of age, I would read them simple Bible stories, letting them look at the pictures.
As they grew older and started to think for themselves, but before they could read or write, I would read a story to them from a children's Bible story book.
Then, instead of writing down the special verse, I would ask them what happened in the story and then I would write down what they said happened. I usually discussed the story with them, helping them to understand the key parts of the story.
Next, I would ask them what they believed God could be saying to them. I would write down what they said. Once again, I would discuss with them possible things that God could be saying to them.
Below is an example of a Quiet Time that Isaac did at aged four before he could read or write:

Download Bible story sheets
To download Bible story sheets, click Download sheets and then under step 1, select "Kindergarten children."
Some useful children's Bibles
There are a great variety of Bible story books people can use. Below are a selection of ones that we have found to be helpful:
Ages 1 - 4
"God Loves Me Bible" by Susan Elizabeth Beck. This book has a place for a child's photograph and has emphasis on how much God loves us.

Ages 4 - 8
"The Early Reader's Bible" as told by V. Gilbert Beers. An excellent Bible story book to be read to children, and for children learning to read.

Ages 8 & under

"The Beginner's Bible" - An excellent Bible story book to be read to children, and for children learning to read.

Ages 8 & under
"Read With Me Bible" - Full of cartoon pictures, especially appealing to boys.

These Bible story books can be obtained from the Bible Society and from most Christian bookshops.