Quiet Time Testimonies by Disabled People
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Introduction by Colin
It is with great joy that I introduce these dear people to you who are loving their walk with God. Disabled people have a special place in my heart and I would like to explain why.
About 33 years ago I had a 10 minute conversation with a woman who was a quadriplegic. This is a conversation that I never forgot. After many years I came to believe that it is possible for people to make Jesus their greatest joy , even if they are suffering greatly.
This completely helpless woman named Bev Everton said that the best thing that happened to her was the car accident which caused her to become paralysed. She said that because of this, she had found the Lord in a new way. To read about Bev Everton, please read the message called: How a 10 minute conversation in 1980 impacted my life
I never met Bev Everton again but for many years she played a major role in the Christian Ministries With Disabled Trust (CMWDT) in New Zealand. She went to be with her Lord a few years ago.
Some of the people sharing their testimonies still remember with great love and affection, Bev Everton.
July 2012 Newsletter
The following testimony is by Jenny Hook.
What the Quiet Time diary means to me...
I have found it easy to write down what I've felt God to be saying to me on a daily basis. Once in Africa I read a portion of scripture about being in a dry and weary land. Knowing God knew in advance I would be holidaying in such a land at the time was a comfort, he had tailored my reading to mirror my life's circumstances. I am now into my third year and am growing more confident that I'm writing God's words for me. At the end of last yr, I was asked to take on an exciting new challenge for this yr. It took several months, but thru Genesis, I wrote Gods words - words of assurance this was the right decision, words of not yet, wait for my timing. God used this diary to deal with issues that would have prevented me from doing the job I had said yes to. This is the first system of recording Gods words thru scripture I've felt confident in trying - I love it and intend to continue using the format if at such time I can't continue with the actual book - its brilliant! Here's an example of a reading:-
Tuesday 14/2/12 Luke 1:26-38
Best verse v35 ..."The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadowing you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God. V37 For nothing is impossible with God."
What could God be saying to me? Lord I believe you're saying my spirit is in you, my power is available to you - reach out and ask me. I will help you to memorise the songs, names and transitions. Nothing is impossible with me - I am God! Lean on me, I am your confidence. - Jenny Hook
What quiet times means to me is: it's so important to trust in God because without him we can't do anything by ourselves. - Lara
Walking with God in my morning quiet time sets me on the right path for the day and focuses my mind on who and what is important in my life. Thankyou. - Wendy
I found it very good and very helpful. - Carol
What I think about doing these quiet time diaries is that it has made a huge difference in my life and its dramatically helped build up my relationship with God. It's a good way to spend time with God each day and read my bible each day like I'm supposed to. It gives me a true compassionate gift, and I receive glory and grace from the Holy Spirit. I begin to get to know God more and more in my time of need and its a great way to spend more and more time in Gods presence. - Alan Hamilton
When I do the quiet time, I feel its helpful for my English. And I enjoy doing the quiet time. Quiet time is good for me, I can learn more of English. And when I do the quiet time, I know God is with me every day. God will help me about my future. - JiAea