Praying and sharing together over Christmas
January 2008 
It is with a sense of joy that I write this newsletter. In New Zealand, Christmas is during the summer months. Our schools, therefore, close from about 15th December until the end of January. This is when most people have their holidays. Our family lives with Nana (Colin's mother), and during the holidays, some of Colin's brothers and sisters and their families camp on the property. Because many of our children's cousins are on the property and in our house, it can be difficult for us to share and pray together. This year, however, we decided to meet together as a family at 8am to share together. Doing that each day was wonderful for our family.
Isaiah 33:6 has been a blessing to us. It says this: "He will be the sure foundation for our lives, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure." We have found that praying and sharing together enables us to tap into this treasure.
In the past, television has had far too much influence in our family. At times, TV has made it difficult for us to tap into the Lord's treasure. Some years ago a family member loaned us a TV, as Nana's one was old and not very clear. Three week's ago, the family member needed it back. What a blessing this has been. I used to watch the 6pm news, but now we are sharing much more together over the evening meal. I occasionally watch the news in Nana's room.
If Kathy and I had our time over again, I don't think we would have television. If we did, we would be more diligent in how much our children see and the programs they watch.
We know Christian families who have a TV, but only allow their children to watch Christian programs. Otherwise they watch good videos or DVDs. One such series that has been a blessing to some of these families is "Little House on the Prairie."
Things have really picked up for Nana this last month. She still requires 24 hour care, but she is now very peaceful and content. We have lived with her since my father died nearly 14 years ago. She has been such a blessing to us and we count it a great privilege to care for her now. Most of Colin's brothers and sisters are able to help us in caring for her.