Gratitude is the highest form of worship we can give to God
March 2008 
Recently I heard an interesting question that was put to a meeting. The question was this: What in one word sums up the Christian life? Apparently a number of words were given such as faith, trust and obedience. What immediately flashed into my mind when I heard this was the word "gratitude."
It has been argued that gratitude is the highest form of worship that we can give to God. We are greatly honouring God if we are still filled with gratitude to him for all that he has done for us even when things are going badly wrong for us.
A highlight most days for our family is sharing and praying together. A key part of the sharing time is sharing our blessings.
About two weeks ago, our son, Joseph, had a motor bike accident. He doesn't normally ride motor bikes. Joseph is doing a carpentry apprenticeship and on this particular occasion, he and his boss had done a concrete pour at a farm. When the job was completed, they borrowed the farmer's two motor cross bikes and drove over a course with jumps etc. On the third jump, the bike came down on his ankle and dislocated it. His foot just flopped around. To cut a long story short, he had a plate and screw put into his ankle to get the bones back in place. He will be off work for at least 10 weeks.
As a family, we are deeply grateful to God that Joseph wasn't killed or maimed for life. He is also using the time he has been laid up to get closer to God, by reading good books and completing some studies on Christian living.
Nana is continuing to deteriorate and is not expected to live much longer. Recently she thought she was dying and she wanted to say goodbye to a number of her family, especially grandchildren, and so we phoned them.
Some of them were in tears as they said their goodbyes to her. She told one grandchild that she wanted to see her in heaven.