The Anderton's Quiet Time Experience
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Introduction by Colin
We first met Jonathan and Jo Anderton at an Alpha Course in Whangarei, New Zealand. This was over seven years ago. At that course, Kathy shared with them about having family Quiet Times and gave them some Quiet Time sheets.
We didn't have much contact with them for about three years and then we discovered that they were doing the Quiet Times in their family. We then invited them to our group and they have since become very close friends.
The Blessing of the Family Quiet Times
- By Jonathan and Jo Anderton
There are so many people and so much literature out there that tells us how to read the bible, how to understand it, how to interpret it, what to believe and what not's all a bit mind blowing!
We grew up in that situation....we read the bible (sometimes legalistically), were told what to believe and what not to believe.
It wasn't until we asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth, that the scales fell from our eyes and the Word of God became alive and true.
But what about daily devotions? At the same time we heard about 'walking with God' quiet times. We hadn't ever really had regular 'quiet times' with God, either individually, or as a family and this was life changing.
Read God's word and hear His voice?... so simple yet so profound! Through these 'quiet times' He has helped us through difficult times, challenged us, encouraged us, guided our steps and revealed His Truth.
Each member of our family spends time with God first thing in the's such a help to get through the day. We then try to have a sharing time in the evenings, straight after dinner. We have had many wonderful times sharing, talking, laughing and praying together. It's not always easy, there are plenty of distractions that try to steal away these times, but we continue to grow closer together as a family and to God through these quiet times. We also benefit greatly from sharing with the Pyle family and other families when we can. Our children have grown so much as they confidently pray and share what God has been saying to them. We have also been so blessed and encouraged by these times and all our 'quiet time friends'.
It never ceases to amaze us at the way God speaks to our children. We started quiet times with our children as soon as they could talk! We start by using Children's Bibles, reading just a few pages each day. We asked them to tell the story in their own words (with lots of help initially, pictures are great!) then encouraged them to hear what God is telling them. Wow, how they have grown!
Initially we encouraged them to try spending time with God 4-5 times a week starting with 10 minutes. This became the basis of our Homeschooling for our children when they were younger. And now our oldest daughter 13 yrs rarely gets out of bed without doing her 'quiet time,' sometimes lasting up to an hour or more. She never needs reminding, she has developed a Godly routine. We don't like missing our mealtimes, so why miss time with God, our heavenly food!
We've been "Walking with God" for over 7 years now. We can't stress enough how valuable the Walking with God ministry has been for our whole family, listening and depending on Him always with a spirit of thankfulness through our daily blessings.