A Friend From Singapore
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Introduction by Colin
We met Michael Au at a Navigator conference in May 2011. We met him several times while in Singapore and then he saw us off at the airport. A year later, I received this very encouraging email.
Michael Au's email
Dear Colin,
If you recall our last conversation over the 'Net, I said I would get back to you soon. I think I said I would get back to you once I reached some milestone, probably a month of Walking With God. That milestone has come and gone. In fact, I completed my first WWG year not too long ago.
It has been a personal revolution for me in obeying the Lord God. It has been extraordinary once I went past the initial period. This was the missing anchor in immersing my life in The Word, while His Voice gets embedded even more deeply in my life.
Let me record my thanks to The Lord God and to you and the Pyle family for your obedient and generous action in producing the Walking With God tools. I want to see a wider audience benefit from using them.
I have stopped counting the many Biblical treasures unlocked during the past year. And to think it was because I chanced upon you carrying that stack of WWG folders near the lift at the CDM conference hotel. Had I been there a minute or two sooner, or later, I would have missed seeing you and asking what were you doing. That seemingly fortuitous incident was timely as I had been praying for our Good Lord God to fill up what was missing in my devotional life.
Translations into other languages has been a recurring thought.
How's business, by the way? With the fallout from the European debt crisis and the continuing American economic doldrums, I believe the Kiwi economy has not improved over the past year. The soaring Kiwi migration to Oz remains a significant phenomenon, I think, in 2012.
Praying for you and family,
Thanking you again in the Lord,